"...The future of our global healthcare world lies in the international collaborative
competencies of the next generation of healthcare leaders..." (Dr. Anette Wu, University World News)
Overview of the Fall Program
The fall program is divided into several elements and portions:
Small group work (minimum once a month; October to May)
You are expected to meet with your group once a month to discuss the following topics
- Health Education
- Healthcare Delivery Systems
- Public Health
- Global Health
- Health Law and Ethics
- Social Determinants of Health
- Humanism/History of Medicine/Politics and Health
- Future of Medicine
(If you are unable to meet in one month, that is totally alright! Please try to meet twice in the following month to make up for it)
All details about small group leaders, attendance, details of topics etc was shared in the emails sent out about your updated small groups at the beginning of the program.
Small group assignments:​
Group work timeline outline - after first session​ in late October
Poster presentation - by late April for international conference presentation
Leaving or inactive students
If someone in your group is inactive despite several efforts to reach out to them, please email iceglobalprogram@gmail.com to let us know, and we will try to help out with the next steps
If you would like to leave the program, please email iceglobalprogram@gmail.com and CC in all members of your small group, so we can keep a record!
Large group meetings (Global Sessions)
Debates and networking ("global meet and greet sessions")​
Faculty presentations (bmonthly on the weekend; October to May)
Virtual city tours online
Cultural exchange presentation
The details (date, time, lecturer etc) for all global meetings were shared with you (in both an excel sheet and calendar format) in the first official welcome email that was sent out. Please make a note of these dates.
Attending large group meetings is mandatory!
Social Media Activities
School wide Instagram posting - "a day as a student in XXX (city)"
International ICEP student conference (end of May, on a weekend)
Selected groups will present their work​
ICEP Travels
NOTE: travel slots are limited. ICEP is a program designed for virtual networking and international collaboration--students shouldn’t sign up if their only objective is to travel
Travel students must engage in social networking while abroad.
There are three travel opportunities during the program
12-month research:
Long term (12 month) research
Please send an email to aw2342@cumc.columbia.edu​
Academic immersion travel (AIT):
1 week, short travel to another city, where the local ICEP students will host you; you can explore the city, attend lectures and meet others
Self-funded (there may be partial funding available, which will be shared in due time)
This is open to everybody (no eligibility criteria), nothing needs to be done for now; relevant information and a form will be shared in due time​
Summer research
2-3 months research during the summer
Nothing needs to be done at beginning of the program
If you are interested, you will be asked to fill out an interest form in December/January
From among those interested students, eligible ones will be chosen (eligibility is dependent on faculty recommendation, engagement in the program, research slots available, if your school is able to accept students in return etc). -
Only a few outstanding participants may be selected to travel to one of our partnering universities, where they will conduct research for 8-12 weeks (June to October).
Student placement and research lab assignments are announced in spring, an announcement for selection will be sent starting in January.
Again, please do remember that ICEP is a networking program, not a research one! Hence, these travel and research opportunities are just an added bonus! The main purpose of ICEP is to learn, network and grow together throughout the program (all of which you do not need to travel for)!