"...The future of our global healthcare world lies in the international collaborative
competencies of the next generation of healthcare leaders..." (Dr. Anette Wu, University World News)
Cecilia Brassett
Professor of Human Anatomy
CECILIA BRASSETT, MB BChir MChir, is a Teaching Professor of Human Anatomy. Dr. Brassett was a medical student and anatomy demonstrator at the University of Cambridge and is a Teaching Professor of Human Anatomy at the University of Cambridge. She initially qualified as a general surgeon, then trained in field linguistics to work among an ethnic minority group in China for some years before returning to the UK. She is a Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, and sits on the Councils of both the Anatomical Society and the British Association of Clinical Anatomists. In addition to organising the anatomy teaching programme, she is engaged in a number of clinically relevant research projects in topographical anatomy. She co-authored The Secret Language of Anatomy, an illustrated guide which brings to life anatomical terms and explains why they were coined.