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  • International small peer group work initiates discussions about shared topics (e.g., comparison of healthcare systems, health ethics and law challenges, advancements in biotechnology, reflections on the topic of anatomy body donation and death, and thoughts on experiences in Global and Public Health, social determinants of health,.. ).

  • Large group discussions, platform debates and conference presentations train students for international public speaking while socializing in medium size groups online.

  • The program culminates in optional multi-directional international short-term basic sciences internships, to enhance basic sciences skills via immersion into an academic life abroad and/or virtual student research groups (for select students only). 

  • Expert international faculty lecture series introduce students to areas of healthcare and Public Health that are often not part of the regular medical curriculum.




Summer (June to August)

  • An optional condensed 8-week virtual summer program enhances leadership skills and scientific knowledge, as a replacement for, or in addition to summer exchange travel on select timely topics in healthcare that affect everyone. The summer program is themed and include international faculty lectures and discussion forums.


Spring (March)

  • A final/senior year international elective on cultural competency and food is offered in spring for senior medical and related health profession students.  It can taken for credit/grading for select schools. 


During the Year or at the End of the ICEP Year

  • Short-term immersion networking (Academic Immersion Travel) - outside the program students can travel in groups for a 5-day academic short-term immersion visits/student conferences at the partner schools (details to be shared with program participants each year). 



  • A postgraduate research exchange portion is being developed for past participants to continue global collaboration and lifelong networking to support the mission of science diplomacy.

  • Shared Interest Groups by interest and specialty connect students long-term globally.

  • Local ICEP chapters at each school provide mentoring and long-term membership in the program. 

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